School                         : MTs Tanbihul Ghafilin Malang
Subjects                       : Islamic Cultural History
Class / Semester          : VII / Odd
Academic Year           : 2018/2019
Theme                         : Wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Realized Peace
Sub Theme                  : Prophet Muhammad as Rahmatan Lil alamin
Time allocation           : 1 x 45 minutes (1 meeting)

A.    Core Competence (KI)
KI-1 : Respect and appreciate the teachings of the religion he adheres to.
KI-2 : Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual cooperation), courtesy, confidence in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment within the range of relationships and whereabouts.
KI-3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) is based on the curiosity about science, technology, cultural arts related to phenomena and events that appear to the eye.
KI-4 : Trying, processing and presenting menyaji in the concrete realm (using, parsing, stringing, modifying and making) and abstract domains (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) in accordance with what is learned in school and other sources all in the perspective / theory.

B.     Basic Competence (KD)
1.1 Understanding the mission of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a blessing for the universe, the bearer of peace, prosperity, and progress of society.

C.    Indicators of Achievement of Competence (IPK)
1.1.1        Identify ways of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
1.1.2        Identifying the success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
1.1.3        Explain the example of the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in facing the people of Mecca
1.1.4        Identify ways of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Medina
1.1.5        Identify the success of the Prophet Muhammad's mission in Medina
1.1.6        Explain the wisdom of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad as rahmatan lilalamin

D.    Learning Objectives
Students can :
1.      Identify ways of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
2.      Identifying the success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
3.      Explain the example of the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in facing the people of Mecca
4.      Identify ways of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Medina
5.      Identify the success of the Prophet Muhammad's mission in Medina
6.      Explain the wisdom of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad as rahmatan lilalamin

E.     Learning Materials
1.      Regular learning material
a.       Explain the beginning of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
b.      Describes the priority of Prophet Muhammad's preaching in Mecca and the response of the Makkah community to the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
c.       Explain the challenges and obstacles of da'wah in Mecca and the capital of the success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
d.      Explain the steps and methods of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Medina
e.       Explain the supporting factors for the success of Prophet Muhammad's mission in Medina
2.      Enrichment learning material
a.    Explain the beginning of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
b.    Describes the priority of Prophet Muhammad's preaching in Mecca and the response of the Makkah community to the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
c.    Explain the challenges and obstacles of da'wah in Mecca and the capital of the success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
d.    Explain the steps and methods of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Medina
e.    Explain the supporting factors for the success of Prophet Muhammad's mission in Medina
3.      Remedial learning material
a.       Analyzing the beginning of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
b.      Analyzing the priorities of the Prophet Muhammad's da'wah and the Makkah community's response to the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad
c.       Analyzing the obstacles and obstacles of da'wah in Mecca and the capital of success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca
d.      Analyzing the steps along with the methods of preaching the Prophet Muhammad in Medina
e.       Analyzing the supporting factors for the success of the Prophet Muhammad's mission in Medina

F.     Learning Approach
Scientific approach through active learning, think pair share, lecture and information search.

G.    Media, tools, learning resources
1.      Media/tools
a)      Media LCD projector
b)      Laptop
c)      Display Material
d)      Print-out Material
2.      Material
a)      Paper
b)      Pen
3.      Learning Resources
Syaikh Shafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri. 2001. Perjalan Hidup Rasul yang Agung Muhammad SAW Dari Kelahiran Hingga Detik-detik Terakhir. Jakarta: Mulia Sarana Press.

H.    Learning Steps

1.      1st Meeting (1 x 45 minutes)
Preliminary activities
·         Do opening with opening greetings and praying to start learning
·         Check the attendance of students (discipline / PPK)
·         Prepare physical and psychological learners in initiating learning activities

·         Linking learning material that will be implemented with the experience of students
·         Asking questions that have to do with the lessons that will be done

·         Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned

Pemberian Acuan
·         Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the current meeting
·         Notify learning objectives
·         Conduct learning mechanisms in accordance with the steps of learning

10 minutes
Core activities
Learning Model Syntax
Learning Activities
Students are given stimulation or motivation to focus on the topic :
·         The Prophet Muhammad as Rahmatan lil alamin in a way :
1.      Seeing
Ø  Students are asked to see the material slides presented by the teacher.
2.      Observing
Ø  Students are asked to observe the material
3.      Membaca
Ø  Students are asked to read print-out material provided by the teacher in groups
4.      Hear
Ø  Students are asked to listen to a friend's explanation when the discussion takes place in a group
5.      Listening
Ø  Students are asked to listen to the explanation of friends in the group

Problem statement (statement / problem identification)
The teacher provides opportunities for students to identify as many questions as possible related to the material presented and will be answered through learning activities.
Data collection
Students gather relevant information to answer questions that have been identified through activities: group discussion
Ø  Students discuss the results of observations and verify the results of their observations with data or theories that have been found .
Ø  One group representative presents the results of the discussion in front of other groups.
Generalization (Making conclusion)
Ø  The teacher explains or straightens out the material that has been discussed by students about the Prophet Muhammad as Rahmatan lil alamin
25 minutes
Notes :
As long as learning takes place, the teacher observes the students' attitudes in learning which include attitude, discipline, self-confidence, behaving honestly, resilient in facing problems, responsibility, curiosity and environmental care.

Closing Activities
Students :
Ø  Students conclude about the material obtained
Teacher :
Ø  Giving appreciation to groups that have good performance and cooperation
Ø  Closing of learning activities
10 Minutes

I.       Assessment Techniques
Oral Test
J.      Instrument Rating (Attached)

Malang, March 29, 2019

Headmaster of MTs Tanbihul Ghafilin Malang                            Subject Teachers


School Name                          :
Class/Semester                        :
School Year                            :

Students Name
Behavioral Note
Attitude Item
Description (Spiritual/Social)






















