#3 Identify, Analyze, And Compare The Different Perceptions Surrounding The Law Of Conventional Banks

Fiana Shohibatussholihah - 16110067

  • The bank is etymologically derived from the Italian language, ‘banco’, which means "pieces of the board where the book is:", a kind of "table". Then its use was expanded to show "tables" or interpreted as "benches" where money changers were used by lenders and currency traders in medieval Europe to show off their money.
  • Bank interest is a system applied by conventional (non-Islamic) banks as a financial institution whose main function is to collect funds to be channeled to those who need funds (funding), both individuals and business entities, which are useful for productive and other investments other, and in Islam, bank interest includes usury which is forbidden.
  • Egyptian Mufti Dr. Sayid Thantawi, who was concerned about the permissibility of a bond certificate issued by the Egyptian National Bank which totally still uses the interest system, and other experts such as Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah an-Nashir. Doctor Ibrahim in the book Sharia Islamic Attitudes towards Banking said, "The right words are that there is no power of Islam without being supported by the power of the economy, and there is no economic power without being supported by banking, while there is no banking without usury. He also said, "This banking economic system has clear differences with the religious charities that are prohibited by the Noble Qur'an. Because bank interest is a new muamalah, whose law is not subject to the definite texts contained in the Qur'an regarding the prohibition of usury. "
  • Jumhur Ulama agrees that bank interest is usury, because that is the law haraam. The meeting of 150 prominent Ulama at the Islamic Research conference in Muharram 1385 H, or May 1965 in Cairo, Egypt agreed in acclamation that all the benefits of various types of loans are all practices of usury which are prohibited including bank interest.
  • In Surah Ali Imran: 130 told about the haram of Riba: “O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful.” (Ali Imran: 130)
  • "One dirham of usury money is eaten by someone in a state of knowing that it is usury money, the sin is greater than 36 times adultery." (Narrated by Ahmad from Abdulloh bin Hanzholah and judged to be saheeh by Al Albani in Sahih al Jami ', no. 3375) "[Nida-atur Rahman li Ahli Iman p. 41]
